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Old 06-12-2008, 03:30 PM   #17
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
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My answers to the questions produced this result:

Type 5, Type 9

The Observer

Five's will probably agree with most of the following statements:
1. I tend to keep my feelings to myself. Yes.
2. I like to know what will happen ahead of time. Yes.
3. I don't know how to engage in small talk very well. Yes.
4. Intellectually I like to synthesize and put together different ideas. Yes.
5. I need much private time and space. Meh.
6. I often sit back and observe other people rather than get involved. Yes.
7. I seem to be more silent than most others People often ask me what I'm thinking. Yes.
8. I have trouble reaching out or asking for what I need. Yes.
9. If an issue comes up, I like to first work it out by myself, then go discuss it with others. Yes.
10. I like to put things in perspective, to step back and take everything in. If I leave anything out, I accuse myself of being so simplistic or naive. Meh.

The Mediator

Nines probably will agree with most of the following statements:

1. I often have difficulty in saying "no." Yes.
2. Most things in life aren't worth getting upset about. Yes.
3. I find that I often dip in and out of conversations, thinking of several things at once. Yes.
4. The most important things to be done are left to the end of the day. Meh.
5. While there are some differences, I feel most people are pretty much the same. Hmm, ok.
6. I hate to waste energy. I look for energy-saving approaches to things. Yes.
7. I become very stubborn when I feel pushed by others. Yes.
8. I can be a dispassionate arbiter because one side is as good as the other. Yes, can be.
9. I'm really sensitive about having my efforts overlooked, criticized, discounted. Yes.
10. I tend to play things down to get other people settled down. Yes.

** ** **

The verbose descriptions seemed flattering, and reasonably on target (natch). Not sure about the Business Perspective, or the Psychoanalytic Perspective... Overall it was a fun way to spend ten minutes.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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