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Old 06-08-2008, 05:27 PM   #1713
polaroid of perfection
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Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus View Post
The second set frequently escapes. They like to chase cars and will stand in front of the car as if herding it. They also harass anyone walking, running or biking in the neighborhood, nipping and barking, one on each side. I almost smashed one with a large rock when it came running at me in my own yard. It veered away at the last second.
This is terrible dog ownership.

Personally I think if you don't have a secure yard, your dog should never be out unattended. Our dog could clear our garden fence, and although she was not inclined to, one of us always watched her. Okay, sometimes from the window, sometimes because we were playing in the garden, but she was always within call. She had a lot of exercise every day (miles of walks between me & my Dad) so the garden was just another room to her.

I don't know what the laws are in the US, but in the UK if a dog bites a person they can be put down by court order. I've said before that I'm not a dog person, but I do respect animals. However if a strange dog "nipped" me I would seriously consider contacting the police. At the very least have a conversation with the owners. Not out of malice, but because the next nip could be a child, which could flail about, scream, excite the dog and lead to serious injury.
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