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Old 06-06-2008, 01:01 AM   #16
no not that other guy, the other one
Join Date: May 2007
Location: TN
Posts: 640
Grey is a fine color for a first or second suit. If it were going to be primarily for office use, I would suggest the navy. On a budget? No problem. Right now, Stafford (you can find them at J.C. Penney) is making well cut, well made, affordable suits. Try on several sizes! Do not just go for the size the "expert" tells you to try. Try that one and the a size down and then a size up. The coat shouldn't be longer than your hand hanging comfortably by your side. I would take it to a reputable tailor to have it altered. That person is typically NOT in the store. It will cost a few dollars more, but not much, and with the price you will pay for the suit, you can afford it. Just because a suit costs a lot of money, does not mean it is the suit for you. A suit of most any brand, that is cut well and is tailored well, is going to look like a million bucks! You are on the right trail by reading up first. Some sites are geared towards a certain look, but by combining all of the info, you can get a feel of what the suit should look like on your body.
I should be working.
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