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Old 06-15-2003, 03:44 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Jeffersonville, IN (near Louisville)
Posts: 892
Originally posted by tw
Who among us can not sing a long to Sinatra's NewYork, NY, or some silly Bing Crosby tunes like Moon River or Irving Berlin
Pretty much everyone in my generation.

Now if you said the music of last ten years is not appropriate to sing a long, then karaoke sales makes sense. However I don't hear anyone saying post 1990 music is not appropriate to karaoke. All I hear is that few want to sing along with post 1990 tunes.

I'm saying that it isn't possible to draw the conclusion you're making without further study.

Karaoke pretty much only became popular in the past ten years. The people my generation or younger -- the ones who like 90's music -- are not yet old enough to enjoy karaoke. I don't know anyone my age who would be caught dead in a karaoke bar.

So maybe it's that <I>any</I> music takes 20 or 30 years before it's popular on karaoke, but we never noticed because by the time karaoke was popular, the music you refer to was already that old.

At any rate, you simply can't point to declining karaoke sales and say that shows people don't like the music as much.

I will agree with you that the RIAA is choking creativity and is making many enemies of late, all of which will come back to bite them. The recording industry still doesn't "get" how to use the internet to their advantage, and it hopefully will be their undoing.
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