Thread: Knife Advice
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Old 06-05-2008, 10:24 AM   #60
Snooty Borg
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 81
Originally Posted by DanaC View Post
Doesn't take a lot to fumble a gun if you are suddenly put in a position that is frightening and without precedent in your life.
In which case they are in no worse a position than they started; if you are in a life-threatening situation already and you screw up a potential save, you are still in the situation.

If you are truly concerned about your safety taking a firearms course should be top priority. I would suggest getting a handgun which is small enough to carry around everywhere you go, but the hardest hitting in that range. Familiarity is better than the stopping power of a shotgun you don't have, or only pick up once a month.

If you are not willing to take a training course, then you don't really feel you are in danger. In that case I suggest getting a folding pocket knife since they are handy to have around and will make you feel better. Keep in mind that without training fending off a potential attack is not an option; if they come at you unarmed intending to take a knife from you they probably can (or are just crazy, which is possible). Your best bet is to never let them know you have a knife until they are already bleeding out, and assume that in the process you will lose a few fingers. Knife fights are no fun for anyone involved.
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