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Old 06-04-2008, 07:45 PM   #12
I can hear my ears
Join Date: Oct 2003
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Originally Posted by jaufrec View Post
lumberjim, are you saying that these cyclists are of a type who constantly cause near accidents by breaking the law or riding in an unsafe manner? Or are you arguing that their mere presence on certain roads is unsafe and puts the burden of responsibility on them in case of a collision?

fisrt off, for all of you who are too stupid to detect irony, I personally believe that the driver should be exterminated for his deeds. These bicyclists were doing it right, and OBVIOUSLY didn't have this coming.

that said......Don't you just fucking hate bicyclists? here's a list of why jinx and I hate them:

1. they always choose 'Creek Rd' to ride on. trust me, there are 3 different Creek Rds near here, and they plague all 3.

2. the sexy little outfits they wear just smack of effort

3. dar512 is a dirty bitch

4. they cop a fucking attitude when you graze them with your passenger side mirror and blow your horn while you flip them the bird and scream. (another joke, dumbass)

5. Aliantha can suck it.

6. They're attention whores who want everyone to look at their asses,.

7. the stick up Dana's ass has a stick up its ass.

8. theyre too cool for the 'bike lane'!

9. nephtes likes little boys

10. eat me.
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Embrace this moment, remember
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