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Old 10-17-2001, 11:25 AM   #7
Posts: n/a
Here's my experience (as to Linux ethernet):

3Com cards - cool deal. Hugely supported. Find a model and give me the number - I'll check it for you and see if I can compile a kernel module.

Linksys - uses the tulip kernel module. The last time I set up a box with Linksys cards in it (I think in mid-1999), I had to hack up the driver to make it work. I hear it's better now. Read: I don't recommend Linksys cards, but I don't say they're junk either. Use at your own risk. I'll try and help if you can't get it working.

DEC Etherworks cards - no problem here. Always worked just fine for me (on Debian & Slackware boxes).

Realtek - 8139 chipset is supported. 8129 is not. Requires n2kpci module to be loaded first.

Your best bet is going with a simple 3Com card. They're more expensive, but they're good quality. And widely supported. A 3Com 905CX-TX (or comparable) is going to work on pretty much any operating system you can throw at it. You can buy these online for about $30. Do it.

Man I been neglecting the cellar lately. Busy at work... argh.
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