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Old 05-27-2008, 04:05 PM   #5
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
Posts: 25,964
I'm a good historian. I can find the threads and patterns and follow them in order to answer historical questions. I am also a good academic writer. (I often submit first draft essays and have them returned with marks of 'high 1st class'. On the rare occassion I have had time to polish a piece it has come back with a mark of 'borderline excellent' or 'excellent'.) Both of these things require skills honed throughout my adult life.

I'm a good teacher. That involved a certain amount of learning, but in truth I was a natural at it when I started tutoring adult literacy. No idea how I'd be teaching younglings, but teaching adults I found very satisfying. I think that was the first time I discovered I was really quite good at something useful.

[eta] forgot to mention, I was a kickass PvPer in UO ! (Fencer)
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