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Old 05-15-2008, 08:00 PM   #41
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Well now, he replied to say, "Please don't give a thought to paying on Friday. I'm having a lovely lady go out of her way to show me a nice evening. It would be my honour to show you a nice evening as well."

A credit to your country!
Which means I don't have to worry about going over budget, yay! But he also wants to eat authentic dim sum, so I'm happy to cross the place I couldn't afford off the list - we'll go into the heart of Chinatown.

My dress won't be here on time - it's not being posted til tomorrow
But then it's going to be rainy, so probably for the best. Jeans and a pretty top will do it. With platforms to keep my jeans bottoms off the wet pavements of course!

Re the other ad. It was removed within about 6 hours. No nudity apparently. Coulda fooled me! Still - 30-odd replies before it was. About 10 possibles and 5 likelies. The possibles I need more info, the likelies it's a case of communicating then meeting them and seeing if the spark is there. No spark, no point. The opportunity is fantastic though. I've been completely up front (ahem) so I won't have any hang-ups. Well - I may find some, being me.

I should be getting my beauty sleep now. Damn Diet Coke!
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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