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Old 10-15-2001, 10:17 PM   #35
in the Hour of Scampering
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Jeffersonville PA (15 mi NW of Philadelphia)
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Originally posted by leif

Do we need to have a military presence in the reigon? Is that what our forefathers intended our government for? Is that what taxpayers want (or would want if they had more access to uncensored news)?
That's nearly irrelevant now, IMHO. I think the relevent question now is: "Do we want anybody who wants to influence US foriegn policy to know that an effective way to advance their cause is kill a few thousand innocent civilians on our territory and then blame it on us because 'we made them do it'?"

What "radicalized" bin Laden about "US troops in Saudi" was the fact that *he* wanted to bring *his* army of Muhajadeen from Afghanistan to defend Saudi from Iraq. For some strange reason apparently the Saudis thought maybe the Coalition forces were a better deal. Imagine that. Now all of a sudden *after* 9/11 bin Laden fancies himself the champion of the Palestinians too. Somehow it seems that Arafat doesn't want him as their champion either.

What a load of hooey. Can you imagine what would have happened if bin Laden had been allowed to try defend Saudi Arabia against the Iraqis? They would have kicked his butt all the way to Yemen. and into the sea.
"Neither can his Mind be thought to be in Tune,whose words do jarre; nor his reason In frame, whose sentence is preposterous..."

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