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Old 05-13-2008, 10:29 PM   #2
trying hard to be a better person
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Originally Posted by lookout123 View Post
Pit bulls test higher (which is good) on the canine temperment test. But you can keep listening to the hysterics on the news. We all know how dedicated they are to presenting a true balanced story even at the expense of entertainment and ratings.
Not everyone bases their opinion on certain breeds of dogs because of what they've heard on the news. I know I don't, and I still wouldn't trust a pit bull. Any pit bull, and it's not because of the media. It's from personal experience with a number of them and other breeds like bull terriers which get a bad rap in media. Sure they cop shit from the press, and of course not all dogs of a particular breed are going to be vicious, but it's fairly ignorant to suggest that other posters only base their opinions on what they see in the media, and not what they know from first hand experience.

As you will defend a pit bull, I'd defend a bull terrier and suggest it's in the way they're brought up, even though bull terriers are in my experience, pretty thick and hard to teach. I've been brought up with hunting dogs such as bully's and bully crosses, and there are some bad ones, but the ones we always had (and which my parents bred and which later became a recognized breed called 'Bull Arab') were pretty docile other than when they were hunting wild pigs.
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