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Old 10-15-2001, 11:59 AM   #30
Confounded Conjuror
Join Date: May 2001
Location: N. California
Posts: 33
Originally posted by Whit
Such countries exist? That's odd I can't think of any country that doesn't meddle for profit. Think of how many countries bug the U.S. for financial aid. Don't you think everyone of them is bullying smaller countries for cash as well? That's life.

What the terrorists did was jump the biggest dog in the pack. (Of countries that tend to dispense aid) Make no mistake they'd love to nail EVERY UN/NATO allied country.
No, we were not attacked because "were the biggest dog in the pack", or because we're a "beacon of freedom", or any oher such silly nonsense. We were the target because we are the country leading the military occupation of the Middle East. Yes, even the smallest countries ask for aid. But the "asking for aid" kind of meddling pisses off far fewer extremists than the "supply military support" kind of meddling. We've got alternate energy otpions, and everyone with a good head on them realizes the only reason we're there is Oil. Maybe we should spend some of the millions that are being thown away to bomb a wartorn country further into the stoneage on something productive like developng our alternative energy options. The oil isn't gonna last forever anyway!


It's an impressive structure that I enjoy seeing from the highway when I drive through that area. It's amazing that mankind can make something like that and still kill each other in droves. You'd think we'd be over that by now...
Maybe if bin Laden could only see a few of our power plants he wouldn't hate us so much, huh?
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