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Old 05-01-2008, 07:05 PM   #70
We have to go back, Kate!
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Yorkshire
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Don't come to Briton its no longer English... we cant even celebrate our own saints for fear of upsetting minority's
Umm....has anybody actually prevented you from celebrating 'our' Saint's day? I presume you are referring to St George? Would that be the same St George who wasn't even an English saint?

Or, did you just get that from a BNP leaflet, racist letter to the local rag, or worse, the Daily Mail?

I remember a year or so ago being told by someone that "This country's not our own any more. We're second class citizens in our own country etc etc etc can't even put up christmas decorations in Bradford now in case we upset the pakis" This person really believed it. I had that story told me by more than one person, it began to do the rounds and took on the aura of truth through repetition.

I can however attest to its utter falsity. I shop in Bradford every Christmas and have done for the last 14 years. On no one of those 14 years have I arrived in Bradford to see no christmas decorations. Christmas trees, santa, reindeer, snowflakes candles etc etc.

St George's day last year I was told by someone that we hadn't been allowed to fly the flag of St George. Utter tripe. I saw plenty of them around town, in people's windows, in the Town Hall...... but.. the flags that motorists had taken to attaching to their cars were deemed a potential danger as, were they to detach themselves whilst traveling high speed down a motorway, they could cause a crash if they flew into the window of the car at the rear.

I think there was a spell when the flag of St George took on very negative connotations and councils were a little reluctant to plaster their townhalls in something whchhad become a symbol of overt racism. I don;t think that's the case now because our town hall was plastered in them the other day. But....if, and this is a big if, if a council has been reluctant to put up St George flags, why not direct your ire at the people who gave it such negative connotations: the NF and BNP. Racist bastards hijack national symbols and instead of getting angry with them for doing so, we get angry with the victims of their racism.
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