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Old 06-02-2003, 09:43 AM   #3
no one of consequence
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Arkansas
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The character of Wesley Crusher is a perfect example of how kid discrimination works. He's a freakin' genius, and yet none of the crew ever respect him. They treat him like shit, and that always pissed me off -- mostly because that's exactly how I felt when I was a kid. Not that I was a genius, just that no one gave a shit about anything I ever had to say. It was always made abundantly clear, on both the Enterprise and in my world.

Also, people alway say they hate Wesley because he always "saved the day". So, a kid can't save the day, can he?? He's a <i>genius</i>. That's why he saves the day. And the only reason it pisses people off is because they can't stand the fact that a kid could ever be smarter than an adult.

That's why he was always one of my favorite characters. Because fuck everyone, and their assholish ways.
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