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Old 10-13-2001, 09:03 PM   #17
Semi-Evil Genius
Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Boulder CO
Posts: 195
orginally posted by MaggieL
Was that before or after Three Mile Island? :-)

I doubt it would be necessary to breech the reactor vessel to cause a boatload of trouble...just the containment building, especially if you managed to damage much of the coolant loops (especially the primary) in the process.
Ok make Slight do research, fine! Construction on Washington Nuclear Plant-1 was discontinued in 1983. The three mile island incident occured in 1979 a year after the plant opened. So maybe they fixed the problems with the three mile island incident but wtf do I know, construction on WNP-1, 2, 3 and 4 was started in 1970 so they might have had time to fix what was wrong with TMI.

I would assume that you keep the primary loop inside the dome, but I don't know for sure. If you did take out the external secondary loop there is still enough (alot of it!) water inside to cool the reactors and you would drop the control rods. TMI lost water because of a leaky valve and that probably wouldn't happen in this case. And as be-low-meet-the-he-clown suggest taking out the external cooling loop would have the same effect as taking out the secondary loop.

I would like to correct myself; there is an operating plant near the Hanford site. It is Washington Nuclear Plant 2. That makes that site an even better target.

And I have now realized that even if the AP had not released this map, the info is still availible on other sites.
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