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Old 04-28-2008, 03:33 PM   #6
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
My favourite paranoid delusion (as opposed to conspiracy theory) is that I am being secretly filmed. No digs about CCTV please - too easy.

No, since I was a child I gave myself the shudders thinking that perhaps my parents had the house wired for film and sound and if I was ever home alone I would check to see if I could spot anything. I'd even walk around saying, "I know you're filming this, so you might as well admit it."

Sometimes I get that paranoia now - usually if I've just done something really stupid, or just plain wrong. I think HM might have left recording devices to hear what I do when he is out, or that they have left a camera in the office when no-one else is there so they can check I've come in.

This isn't a constant feeling. And I guess I don't really believe it. It's just there sometimes. I honestly think it came from watching Candid Camera before I understood the premise.
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