Thread: Hello all!
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Old 05-29-2003, 07:44 PM   #7
Resident Denizen
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Peterborough, UK
Posts: 60
Originally posted by Undertoad
- Will the UK adopt the Euro? (UT opinion: please don't)
Not really sure, but I hope we don't. The pound sterling is something that makes up part of our history and tradition as a nation, and I would hate to see that lost. (It's kinda like asking you lot to stop randomly starting wars (J/K BTW))

- Do you believe Blair's gun policy will have an effect on crime?
Blair's gun policy? Haven't heard a thing about it.

- Where would you personally go to get top-quality croissants?
France probably.

And Travelodges are perfectly acceptable AFAIK, though I have never stayed in one myself. Personally, I would recommend the YHA (Youth Hostelling Association) youth hostels, as they generally offer excellent value for money.
"I am after all," said Pooh, "a bear of little brain." - A.A. Milne
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