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Old 04-11-2008, 03:01 PM   #1803
Buffalo Bill
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Kanesatake, Québec, Canada
Posts: 86
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That 93 years old guy has been playing golf everyday for the last 30 years and one day he comes home all mad and says to his wife that this he will never play golf ever again.
You've been playing each and every days for the last 30years, you love the game. Why do you want to quit playing all of a sudden?
He says that he still love the game ent that he is still in a good enough shape to hit the ball pretty far but his eyesight his so bad that he does'nt see where ball is.

You should take your cousin with you, his eyesight is perfect and he will tell you where your ball went says the wife.

He is 102 years old and he does'nt play golf says the old guy.

It maybe so but he is still in godd shape et like I said, his eyesight is perfect the wife says.

That may not be a bad idea says the old golfer, I will ask him.

The next day they are both on the first tee-off the 93 years old golfer explain to his cousin that all he has to do his look where the ball go and guide him there. Don't worry says the 102 years old cousin, my eyes are perfect.

The golfer gets into position and hit the ball, he turn to his cousin and asked if he saw where the ball went.

Sure respond the cousin, I told you my eyes are perfect!

Good, so tell me where is my ball?

I forgot! says the cousin

ps: sorry for my English, we French all speak funny
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