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Old 03-31-2008, 01:30 AM   #11
like a fiche outta water
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Tejas
Posts: 19
I've got to add my endorsement for a product I found in an attempt to strengthen my immune system. It did what vitamin C, colloidal silver, etc. has failed to do, keep me healthy in spite of standing in the cold in an open warehouse in the middle of winter handling money from coughing and sneezing patrons. I normally catch a cold twice a year and for the first time in my life, I escaped the common cold.

The product is called Epicor. You can pay a little or a lot for it, but it all comes from the same plant. I purchase mine from Puritan's or Swanson's, as they are the cheapest.

Now to bring this on-topic, I had noticed shortly before beginning this regimen that my skin had definitely taken a nosedive. I had figured it was just another one of those many roadsigns I've passed heading for 50. To my surprise, I noticed a definite difference in my skin after taking the product. There is a depth and glow to my skin now, and that tired, flat look I was developing is gone. The other pleasant surprise was the psoriasis I had acquired behind my ears was gone. I missed a dose for three days and it was back. I'm now adding Pycnogenol to the regimen to see if it enhances the effects any.

I've taken a lot of supplements over the years, but this is the first one that has had such blatant effects. It's hard to have a placebo effect when it is completely unexpected.
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