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Old 05-22-2003, 11:07 PM   #11
a real smartass
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Kirkland, WA
Posts: 1,121
I believe that it was here that someone informed me that Bush used to pronounce "nuclear" correctly, and that he changed to "nuke-you-lure" during his presidency. He seems to be successfully deceiving America into thinking that he is a moron (and his opponents thusly dismissing him) so that he is able to have a freer hand.

During my years in High School, I had a large report to do on William Henry Harrison. Before I started, however, the teacher had me switched into a more advanced course (which didn't have the assignment). She did this because students from that more advanced course were dropping out from it and into her class. If she hadn't kicked me and a friend out, she wouldn't have had enough textbooks for them.
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