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Old 05-22-2003, 05:48 PM   #7
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How dumb is George Jr. He actually thinks that silly tax cut will create jobs. We are now beginning to suffer the resulting recessionary effects from his previous 'tax cut'. Warren Buffet, last night on Nightline (see for a transcript) basically told it in blunt facts. His tax rate at about 3% is far below his low paid receptionist who pays more like 30% of her income in taxes. But even worse, who most needs money from this tax cut - Warren or his receptionist? Warren Buffet who is worth more than $30,000,000,000? Of course not. The person who gets least - both by percentage of incoming and in total money - the receptionist - get the least from this tax cut. Warren Buffet and most rich people (and expensive tax accoutants and tax lawyers) prosper most from this tax cut.

Buffet demonstrated stupidity of this George Jr tax cut from many perspectives. Clearly this tax cut demonstrates how stupid this president really is.

But then we have perspective. As Buffet said, the only real tax cut is one that cuts spending and then returns that money to the taxpayer. Obviously. But so many American citizens are so poorly educated as to actually believe this George Jr tax cut will make jobs. I can make jobs just as effectively. Pay someone to remove all my grass, then pay him again to restore the lawn. That too created jobs. And yet some in the public actually believe the George Jr rhetoric. So is George Jr dumb - or that smart since he can actually so decieve the public?
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