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Old 03-25-2008, 05:49 PM   #12
trying hard to be a better person
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Originally Posted by TheMercenary View Post
This sounds a bit to pre-planned is all I am saying. Sure if you are in a dire situation that is what it is for. How does it differ from here in the US where some welfare mother says if I just popout another kid I can get more money and I still don't have to get off my fat azz and work. The Goberment will just keep giving me money.
Right, well some people do abuse the system, but not all. Yeah some parents do think that's a good way to go, and it works till they can't have kids anymore and the last kid becomes and adult.

My understanding of the social security system here is that as a nation, we believe that children shouldn't have to suffer just because their parents don't have a job or they got divorced or whatever. That's a very broad statement of course. Yes parents could make better choices or try harder to make their relationships work etc, but sometimes it doesn't matter what you do, it wont work. That's what social security (centrelink) is for.

In the case I'm presenting to you, we have a situation where it's ideal for the kids to finish out the year at the school they're currently at. Mainly for Aden who is in his last year of primary school and is sports captain etc. So, they might live with their father during the week and come to me from Friday afternoon through to monday morning. I don't want the kids to 'miss out' on anything because they're staying with their father who is currently a security guard and works nights, so if this is to happen, he'll have to drastically change his lifestyle. We've discussed it, and he's very excited to have the chance to have the kids with him virtually full time for the first time since we separated about 8 years ago, but we (Daryl and I) can't afford to maintain two households, and Kal can't afford to not work, and he's not qualified for anything much besides muscle work. Also, I have very strong family values and believe it's important for kids to have a parent there for them. So, in this instance, for a short period, Kal may decide to take up the option of accessing some of the centrelink payments he'd be eligible for.

So, after contributing to our social services systems throughout my life through taxes, as has Kal for the period of time he's been in australia (15 yrs), as does Daryl, I don't have a problem with Kal 'redrawing' some of that for the next 6 months or so in order to provide a stable situation for the boys while they finish out this year of school.
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