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Old 03-23-2008, 03:00 PM   #109
King Of Wishful Thinking
Join Date: Jan 2001
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I find this very interesting. Richardson was on my short list of candidates I would have liked to see win among Democrats and Republicans.

He has one of the best resumes of any of the candidates. He's both Hispanic and a border state governor, giving him a unique perspective on immigration.

He's also a (now probably former) friend of the Clintons. I'm still on the fence, giving equal weight to Clinton, Obama, and McCain. I have to say though, that if Obama picked Richardson as a VP, he'd probably leapfrog over anyone McCain would pick, especially since Condi has carried too much water for Bush and Powell seems reluctant to run.

Many of the former shining stars in foreign policy are too old or too burdened with baggage to pass scrutiny as a VP candidate. McCain and Obama both need a strong foreign-policy VP - someone who can negotiate or show a presence where the Secretary of State isn't enough.

This is getting interesting.
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