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Old 05-21-2003, 02:55 PM   #36
Coronation Incarnate
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Posts: 94
I don't think he's ever said that he used drugs, has he?
What political figure would say he used cocaine?

Before president Bush became the Chosen son of God for the right-wing, he was a corrupt governor of Texas. The Dallas Morning News heard stories for years about the rich society man's rough life. They asked him whether or not he had ever used cocaine. Now, a person that has not used cocaine would say, "Hell, no". Bush had a more lawyerly way of answering the question:

"Gov. George W. Bush, dogged by criticism for refusing to say whether he has used illegal drugs, answered part of the question Wednesday and said he had not done so in the last seven years. Mr. Bush's statement came in response to a question from The Dallas Morning News about whether, as president, he would insist that his appointees answer drug-use questions contained in the standard FBI background check. 'As I understand it, the current form asks the question, 'Did somebody use drugs within the last seven years?' and I will be glad to answer that question, and the answer is 'No,' Mr. Bush told The News....The Questionnaire for National Security Decisions, part of the background check, asks about illegal drug use going back seven years. Applicants also are asked if they have ever used illegal drugs while employed as a law officer, prosecutor or court official....FBI applicants can have used so-called hard drugs, such as cocaine and heroin five times in their lives, but not during the 10 years immediately before their applications, (according to FBI Agent Rene Salinas). Applicants take lie-detector tests to verify their answers to drug-use questions....'You are required to answer the questions fully and truthfully, the questionnaire says.... Mr. Bush, the GOP presidential front-runner, would not elaborate about drug use beyond seven years ago." Dallas Morning News, 8/19/99
Now, given the way that Bush lies - that he lies in a lawyerly fashion so that he can be interpreted as being truthful regardless of what facts emerge - does this look like an honest answer?

This is one of those issues that one cannot prove, but you really have to wonder. The guy was a rich party guy in the 60s and 70s - he was an alcoholic. Is it really a stretch to think that he was probably tooting a little blow, too?

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