Thread: Reverend Wright
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Old 03-20-2008, 08:08 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by aimeecc View Post
Obama is running a campaign on "I represent the future and unity and Clinton is divisive" but he is surrounded by people (or at least one person) that are divisive as his mentors and who are about the past.
Divisive? Every decisive leader is divisive if that is your definition. To be a decisive leader means one will be divisive.

What do you want? Someone who is politically correct or someone who is honest enough to be a leader? Talk about divisive. Mayor Koch of NYC was extremely divisive - and therefore was one of NYC's best mayors. His ‘Koch Quips’ were famous since he had a bad habit is speaking honestly and frankly. Koch took NYC from the verge of bankruptcy into growth. Giuliani was most divisive. And yet he too was the next NYC mayor that actually got things done. Mayor Lindsay was so much less divisive - and all but bankrupted NYC.

You must decide which you want. An honest leader who will be divisive because he is honest and therefore hears from all. Or a politically correct leader which means he lies and he must even condone corruption. You cannot have it both ways. Which do you want - an honest (divisive) leader or a corrupt nice guy who refuses to hear from anyone what might ruffle feathers?

Meanwhile, you are making assumptions. Obama does not have one spiritual leader. Only a wacko extremist would hear only from one advisor. A leader would hear from the Pope, the Dai Lama, Buddhist priests, and Baha’is. Ever go to Baptist revival services? Ever go to a Jewish service? I believe I had been to every denomination in my community. Does that mean I am divisive because I heard them preach things contrary to popular beliefs? I even listen now and again to Rush Limbaugh because I don't have extremist bias hate - even though Limbaugh preaches hate.

An honest person does not care what that minister is because virtually all religions preach various degrees of hate. My church taught us to condemn all Jews because of what happened to Christ. If informed, then you know which church that was. So do I also believe what Hitler preached? Or did I, instead, ignore the silly preaching from my church - that also endorses pedophilia?

Either the honest leader will also be divisive, or a political correct leader will be indecisive and condone corruption. Which one do you want?
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