Thread: Reverend Wright
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Old 03-19-2008, 04:04 PM   #18
Constitutional Scholar
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Originally Posted by Shawnee123 View Post
So, if I attend a church that supports the KKK it isn't necessary for me to, since I believe that the teachings of a KKK church are wrong, stand against those teachings by attending a church more in keeping with my beliefs about race? Huh? I should smile and nod while the K-church discusses lynchings because, after all, I don't have to agree? Double huh?

Oh, and not wanting someone for president because you don't endorse the politics they tout, (or don't see that they really tout anything) and not wanting someone because you don't like their race are two entirely different things. In fact, I think the former is pretty normal. Turning that into the latter "you don't like black people so you hate obama and his pastor" thinking is more off base than anything I've heard in any of these arguments about any candidate.
There are thousands of Baptists who support the KKK. Does that mean the Baptist church supports it? Of course not. If the reverend of a particular church in the South compliments the KKK, does that mean all of those who attend that church agree with him? Of course not.

Also, I mentioned the 2 most common reasons people try to trash Obama. They are not necessarily related.

Obama has no dirt on him, so idiots are trying to make him guilty by association by mentioning some controversial things his minister has said. Talk about a pathetic and desperate move. Anyone who would suggest that any of Obama's political views are influenced by this man is intellectually dishonest, morally bankrupt, and a piece of shit.
"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death."
- George Carlin
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