Thread: Reverend Wright
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Old 03-19-2008, 02:01 PM   #2
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He has the same freedom of speech that you and I have and he exercises it. Good on him. What he says does exactly what he wants it to - it gets people riled up. Whether they agree or disagree, mission accomplished.

I think the difference is that Obama has gotten this far by being well spoken, moderate, and inspirational in his speeches. He has been the exact opposite of former presidential wannabes Jackson and Sharpton. He has presented himself as a voice of reason and for change. He has given people the belief that he is uniquely qualified to reconcile, repair, and renew race relations in the US. And then the other shoe drops. The right reverend has been his personal friend and mentor for 20 years, in addition to being his pastor. He performed his wedding ceremony, baptized his kids, etc. Obama is in tight with this guy and when people hear Wright's rants they are taken aback. Whether those are Obama's thoughts and beliefs is irrelevent - he spent 20 years with this guy and never stepped up to object to his ranting? He never said "Michelle, as much as we love the church it is time to find a new one that is more in line with our beliefs".

Anyway, that's my take on it.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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