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Old 03-19-2008, 12:36 PM   #36
Brett's Honey
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 308
I realize that most people have one pediatrician for their child, but sometimes a second opinion is a good idea, if you're uncertain about what you're being advised to do. The first doctor my son had (in 1987) had him on strong antibiotics for months (seems like 2-3 months, a LONG time) and then said he had to have tubes put in his ears. I had been uneasy for a while, and then changed doctors when she said that. The second doctor (who I kept from then on) said that not only did my sone NOT have an ear infection, but she didn't think he had ever had ear infections.
This all started when he started shaking his head from side to side while repeating "no no", after being told no, or that something was a "no no". She insisted the head shaking was ear-related.
I should have listened to my gut feeling all along.....
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