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Old 03-19-2008, 10:38 AM   #56
Super Intendent
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 249
I agree with Shawnee - it lacks sincerity. It was a good polished essay. At times it was close to inspired. But not sincere.

Of course, I read it, and only "heard" a few sound bites. It doesn't take the issue off the table for me of the Reverend. Why?
At one point he essentially says, we've all listened to our pastors say stuff we don't agree with. Well, no, not really, not on something this huge. And secondly, as a leader, if you disagree - you do something. Not just sit there for 20 years, and never have a conversation with him that you disagree with his statements. He's his ADVISOR, but Obama states that he is divisive and stuck in the past. And he knew this. Seriously, if you really don't agree with him, why have him as your advisor? If you are all about not being divisive, why have someone that divisive in your life? If you are about change, why keep someone stuck in the 1970s?

I do believe on a lot of the race issues, Obama said things we all think. I think he articulated things we all know. Some blacks feel this way because of this. Some whites feel this way because of this. And he hit the nail on the head. He said it for all to hear, and for all to go - you know, that's what I've been thinking. And its a good thing. But he didn't address the way I feel. Affirmitive Action didn't hurt me. I didn't like it because I knew it hurt others, but I understood the reason why. I saw both sides as a viewer, not a participant. For me, my core states (and I've put this in other posts) - anyone can become anything if you try. Get out and work - at MacDonalds if you have to. I didn't see this feeling addressed. Maybe its that I'm a minority in this issue. I am also in line with Bill Cosby - the black community is its own worst enemy. If you want your local schools to be better - do something! Don't just complain that its a racial thing and do nothing. But I digress. The speech didn't 'speak' to me. It didn't clear the air. Although he definitiely didn't justify the Reverend's comments, he didn't tell me why he sat there for 20 years and did nothing. He can't answer that truthfully and still win. Agent of change my arse.
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