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Old 03-12-2008, 12:01 PM   #34
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 249
Thanks a lot. His audio test before the tubes was horrible - definite hearing loss from the fluid. And he just had his 1 yr well baby appointment, and he's behind on speech development. He began saying "dadadada" to anything a few months ago, and occasional "babababa" and rarely "mamama". But he doesn't associate mama with me or dada with dad, even though we've been saying mama and dada (and pointing to the appropriate one) several times every day for months. He doesn't respond to his name most of the time, so I'm not even sure when he does respond if its because he heard his name or something else got his attention. We have another audio test in a month to see if his hearing is normal (should be) and his pediatrician said if he's not catching up by his 15 month well baby, we'll be referred to a speech therapist. At least he's young and can easily recover.
He's a smart boy - we can tell he 'connects' the dots on things, stacks blocks on window sills, put lids on and off pots and knows where things are kept. He's done a few things that I have made me go 'Wow! He knows that!' I just hope the speech thing comes along.
He was born prematurely, but healthy, so my husband and I haven't measured him by the normal standards - we figure he's a month or two behind since he was born early.
My brother had real bad speech problems, and I know that a lot of my siblings got ear tubes. I wonder if thats why he had speech problems? I never thought about it that way.
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