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Old 03-11-2008, 07:20 PM   #33
Hi just me
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Australia
Posts: 108
I had tubes, so did my two younger siblings. We had fluid build up (or something like that) and only the youngest suffered infections, but at the time doctors thought it was a carry over from croup.
It all came to a head when I started school. I could read properly because we were taught to read very early in life. But I couldnt' make the phonic sounds properly. And then a woman came to the door of our house with my brother because he'd been sitting in the road with a dog he found and didn't hear her horn behind him. Kids cover up hearing loss very very well.
I'm glad you've taken this situation seriously so early aimeec. Personally I believe it will help . I had to start at basic speech when I was seven. Today if I'm tired or intoxicated I make the "v" and "f" sounds for "th". and when saying the alphabet I am inclined not to sound "H" as "A-che" but as "Ha-che". Oh and I was taught to sing becuase it apparently makes you say the phonic sounds correctly. Go figure?
My parents were warned that we would eventually have hearing loss around forty to fifty years of age again. So far they have been right on the ball. I'm losing my hearing very rapidly. (or ignoring people more LOL )
But interestingly enough, you know that mosquito sound that no one over the age of 25 is supposed to be able to hear? Comes in loud and strong for me and I'm nearly 40.
anyway good luck with your child amiee. From personal experience I think you're doing the right thing.
silence is golden , duct tape is silver
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