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Old 05-17-2003, 06:54 PM   #24
no one of consequence
Join Date: Jun 2001
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Originally posted by ScottSolomon
Why can't you call a spade, a "spade"? The guy has got a crooked history. he was a draft dodger that made his money by getting sweetheart deals from politically connected companies.
There's nothing wrong with not wanting to die.

Exactly what "sweetheart deals" are you talking about?

Originally posted by ScottSolomon
He won the election by appointment.
You act as if that was his fault. It wasn't.

Originally posted by ScottSolomon
He has lied about so many things since he came into office that it boggles the mind. He even lied to start a war. If you can;t call that kind of guy a crook, who can you call a crook?
I'm sure he had a good reason. At any rate, it's a little early to be calling the result, isn't it? Let's just wait and see.

Originally posted by ScottSolomon
He is an elitist. He knows that he used to use drugs and alcohol in the past. But with him they were "youthful indescretions". However, other people's indiscretions don't get dismissed that easily.
I don't think he's ever said that he used drugs, has he?

Originally posted by ScottSolomon
The guy is a Connecticut blue-blood with a fake Texas twang.
That's ridiculous. What kind of a moron would invent a fake accent to cement a presidency? Do you <i>really</i> believe this?

Originally posted by ScottSolomon
He grew up in comfortable private schools - the best ones available. Then he got into Ivy League schools even though he was an average student. He got into the National Guard in front of thousands of other soldiers that were on the waiting list. If that is not elitist behavior, I do not know what it.
Well, I say good for him. Where does this connotation come from that being well-off means you're evil?

Come on, admit it. He's a pretty good guy. He seems personable enough to me. I've never seen him say anything that would suggest he thinks he's better than other people.
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