Thread: Do Good Deeds
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Old 02-26-2008, 11:25 PM   #24
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Good deed? Not so sure. But I did something. I'll probably get arrested for it shortly in fact. I wish I were joking.

I ran into one of my former players and his drunk ass worthless lump of a father a couple hours ago. The kid has been knocked around before and I've offered for him to come stay with us when the dad is tanked. Tonight the kid had a couple new bruises and a shiny new cast. Dad was piss drunk. I suggested LL might like to have a friend over tonight and said I'd be happy to get the kid to school tomorrow. Just trying to be friendly about things as I already know that mom won't ever press charges. Well drunk ass gets loud with me, pokes me in the chest a few times, makes some comment about knocking that spoiled Lil Lookout on his ass, and why don't I just fuck off and die. As I go walking away he starts cussing at me and LL and then shoves me in the back. I keep walking to my car until he starts making some comments to LL about his mom. At that point I turned around and beat the piss out of the guy and kindly informed him that I'll cut his fucking throat if he ever even looks at my kid again. Some of the guys from the club pulled me off him and I left with LL.

All I wanted to do is help a kid and I have to go and lose my fucking temper. Good deeds my ass. I'd love to have a couple of beers right now, but that's probably not a great idea since I know the cops will show up. Fucking brilliant. Tell my kids to use their brains not their fists and then I beat the shit out of a guy at the damn soccer club where I coach them. Fucking brilliant.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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