Thread: Betting tips
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Old 02-19-2008, 12:09 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Chewbaccus View Post
The East in the NBA is weak, though. How can you say that, Celtics aside, the conferences are even when the East has three teams playing sub-.500 basketball going to the playoffs (Washington, New Jersey, Philly)? As it stands right now, to start the playoffs with winning records, WAS would have to go (minimum) 17-13 and NJ / PHI must each go 19-10 down the stretch. Beyond that, only Boston has locked down a winning record against the West for this year (16-0 with 14 more West games left), with Detroit and Cleveland currently better than the West, though nothing's locked down.

Compare that to the West, where all the current playoff teams are playing .600 ball or better, all of them have winning records against the East with two lockdowns (Suns & Lakers), and four others within spitting distance of that feat (Spurs needs one more East win, Utah/Golden State/Houston each need two)
On the lower scale of things, yes.
look... when it comes to wagering large sums of money, one must consider all things.
The greatest percentage of my money is on the Celtics making it to the Finals.
My next greatest percentage of money is on the Celtics winning it.
The rest would be divided into smaller bets as to cover should the main bet fail.
The western conference is so up in the air that one would be silly to heavily wager on that side.
Look at Dallas now!
Kidd will add a new dimension to what was already an elite team.

Hockey, there's a little more equivocation since any one given team only plays one game against two of the three divisions in the other conference, so I'm not as confident in the numbers there. But basketball? WHIP, if you see something I don't that could give hope to the East (or, be still my heart, the Professional Basketball Team Formerly Known as the New York Knicks), please share. I implore you.
Hope to the east?
The East holds the greatest team in the game at this time.
Even in the NBA, its all about the defence.

Things are not as depressing as they seem in New York.
In 3-4 years, it should start to be visable.
pls stfu k thx
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