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Old 05-13-2003, 09:49 AM   #13
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Here's the reason: because sin and Adam and Eve and all that shit is <b>made up</b>. Because babies <b>are</b> born retarded, and as Lewis Black says, if there was a just and loving God, he wouldn't allow that kind of shit to go down. It's all dreamt up for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that it's nicer to believe there's a reason your kid is retarded instead of thinking that it was just dumb fucking luck and bad genetics. Unfortunately, religion (especially Christianity and Islam) has spread like wildfire, so we have billions of misguided people doing all sorts of crazy shit in God's name (again, most of which he wouldn't let happen if he really existed). The Holocaust has been traced directly to the fundamentalist Christian notion that all Jews, past and present, are responsible for the crucifiction. Then we've got the Crusades. And hey, most recently, fundamentalist Muslims crashing planes in to buildings to kill infidels.

Religion does a lot of good, but it does far more harm. I didn't want to step up and alienate at the time, but juju is right when saying that religion is a crock of shit. He just needed to narrow it a bit and say that any one that believes in a single benevolent creator has their eyes so fucking closed that it seriously isn't funny (as in millions and millions of people unnecessarily murdered not-funny).

So, this whole concept of "original sin" is a crock of shit. It's made up. Pray to the fairy fucking godmother for all I care but let's stop trying to intellectually discuss religion. It's like trying to find an explanation for Neo's flying abilities in the Matrix. It's a made up story. We're discussing fairy tales.
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