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Old 01-29-2008, 01:01 PM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
lil glatt had fluid in his ears for about 2 years straight. He never complained about it, and we would only discover he had an infection when we would take him in for an appointment and they would look in his ear as part of the general checkup only to see the red bulging eardrum. Take antibiotics, and the infection would go away, but the fluid would remain. He eventually got tubes, and seems just fine now. Tubes haven't fallen out yet. Hopefully after they fall out, he will have grown enough that it's no longer a problem.

Getting the tubes in the ears was a little scary, but ended up being a breeze. If I could do it over again, I'd be less cautious about getting the tubes. I'd get them a lot sooner.
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