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Old 01-23-2008, 05:21 PM   #107
trying hard to be a better person
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brisbane, Australia
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With regard to the 'past/present' argument presented by aimeecc, I only ask if you actually expect society to stagnate or if you acknowledge that there are some things that have been improved by our changing society.

To me it's pretty straight forward. Things change. Sometimes for the good, and sometimes not for the good, however I wouldn't trade the good changes for the not so good, because without the good changes our society would never grow and evolve.

The statement above obviously contains a number of statments that are purely perspective based. What one person views as good is not always the same for others. The same with the bad. Fortunately for you aimeecc, our society has evolved enough to allow you to hold the views you do without discriminating against you for them. Fortunately for those who disagree with aimeecc's views, society is quite happy for you to live your life any way you see fit as long as it's not harming others.

With regard to the 'instant gratification' statement. I'm with Sheldon (or used to be). If people are happy with their lifestyle and they take whatever precautions are necessary, then it's no one else's business besides those involved. People who go around sermonising about promiscuous people need to take the blinders off and realize that the life they themselves lead is not necessarily any better. Often times it's worse. Also, these people need to realize that just because people have periods of promiscuity in their lives, it doesn't mean they don't also have periods of monogamy. People are not static. They grow and evolve just as our society does.
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