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Old 01-21-2008, 11:53 AM   #11
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i see coyotes in my neighborhood daily. sometimes they'll get a small dog, but they've never gotten mine. Hell, I even tied a raw steak around his back and set him loose on the hillside but he found his way back safely.

Cats? That must have been one old, sick cat to get taken by a coyote. i've seen my neighbor's cat take on two coyotes and walk away flipping them off. If more than two come around she just jumps up on the roof.

Humans? Very rare. I run at night on the mountain trails which is effectively their turf and they scatter when they see me. Coyotes will usually go for the easy pray like rabbits, and squirrels.

You may have a very aggressive beast there, but it would be an unusual one. Oh, and it doesn't matter day or night. they'll eat when they're hungry.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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