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Old 01-12-2008, 01:49 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 36
I eat CDs for breakfast.


today, while burning music to my hard drive from CD as you do, a extreme load Crack/Bang from the vicinity of my ageing PC.

Due to the sound, I imagined that it would shut down in a matter of seconds, due to some catastrophic failure in its workings, which If I am honest, I have been expecting for quite some time, but lo and behold, it survived the initial impact.

i went to investigate the disk tray, pressed eject, only for it to jam, where upon I prised the tray open with my fingers.

In the aftermath of the event that the gremlins in my PC know only as "le crack massive"(yes these are french gremlins), what had happened quickly became apparent.

The tray slid out, with multiple large fragments of disc resting on the small sill. After collecting these fragments, and doing a headcount,

I discovered that at least a 1/4 of the disc was....

....Still inside my PC!

Time to launch the rescue! After collecting the shards scattered around the front of the drive, I noticed that there were shards at the back which i could reach, to counter act this, I deployed the secret weapon!.

Picking up the case, in both hands, and turning it upside down, while making sure the disc drive was open, the shaking commenced.
And, much to my delight, the yield of shards was great.
But my delight was tinged with despair, as on further examination, there were few precious shards left behind!

Time to use all my power to summon the great, mighty all powerful,
Kebab stick!

I could feel the awesome power of the metal kebab stick flow through my fingers as I probed deeper into the drive.
Using the mighty tool I managed to dislodge and extract a few more shards. With one last mighty shake, the remaining particles left the tray, and dropped on the floor.

My work was done.
leave no shard (man) behind!

Well after that long winded story of how a random CD exploded in my DVD drive for no apparent reason, I have a question to ask, has that ever happened to you?

The end result, Its more or less there, and I don't have the patience to put it back together again.
Is it possible to go off topic in a Philosophy forum?

Answers on a postcard please.
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