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Old 01-05-2008, 11:09 PM   #50
Tool. Not the band - you are one.
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: 501 Northlake Blvd., North Palm Beach FL
Posts: 329
I named my daughter Gillian (I was a huge X-Files fan). I thought it was such a beautiful and unique name.

Until I realized that most people are illiterate.

Not only does she get people pronouncing her name with a hard "G" rather than soft "J", but god forbid someone actually reads her name off of a form - they inevitably call her "Gilligan". Where the hell they get another "g" to throw in there in the middle of her name, I don't know.

As for my name, I make everyone call me "Chris". My full name, Christine, sounds so pretentious, especially for a tomboy. And no one ever calls me by the correct name: it's always Christie, or Kristen, or Christina, none of which are my name and it really irks me. And guaranteed - if you have a southern accent, you're calling me Christina.

I would have gone by my middle, but it's "Ann", and that's just HORRID.

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