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Old 12-22-2007, 10:00 PM   #77
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 36
Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
Being gay might be morally wrong to some people, but not to me.

My morals think it's perfectly ok. If I were a prude perhaps, or staunch catholic etc, I might think it's morally wrong to be gay.

With regard to the question posed earlier, "do your morals change according to who you're with", I think that's an interesting question.

There is no doubt that our sense of propriety stops us from behaving the same way in front of our 80yr old granny than we might when we're out with friends at the pub. Does that mean our morals change or that we simply prop our morals up because we don't want to offend granny?
Wow complete indecision within me, I was going to take this line originally then I thought I was full of shit, and took a different line, and then I thought that that was shite too, and back to this one.


I think its more the case that we prop up our morals in situations with our granny, I don't think that swearing and burping round a table is wrong per say, I don't do said acts because others round the table think that it is wrong.

however, doesn't that just make a situation of your morals, "burping and swearing are a ok, except when my granny is here"

So really after all my confusion, I have to say that really the bolstering
of my morals just comes under that on an absolute level, in my moral laws I have a moral which says that I should take into account other peoples morals, so really I would say that my moral code is more accommodating than changing, but none the less it is changing.

In short, morals do change!

(post script-Well if you read all that extremely messy post of indecisivenesses, congratulations, if you understood it as well your a better man than I am. Also if you want an analogy to how my moral laws work, just think of Nietzsche attacking Freud, and Freud retaliating by more or less encapsulating Nietzsche's attack. I describe it poorly but none the less if you have no idea what I am vainly trying to get at, you will just have take my word for it. - Also the smart ones amongst you would have noted that this a post script at all since at the time of writing of the post script, the original article hasn't been posted, this is just merely a mechanism for me to add additional material on the end of my post without calling it a note and therefore seeming utterly up my own arse, which would have been surely spotted and commented on, even if i had not mentioned thus.)
Is it possible to go off topic in a Philosophy forum?

Answers on a postcard please.
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