Thread: Why The Cellar?
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Old 10-04-2001, 12:15 AM   #15
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Carmel, Indiana
Posts: 761
And you people talk about a year and Slashdot

I've been calling here for at least 9 years, somewhere around 10 I think.

I started out calling when Undertoad had this on a 386 running waffle on some UNIX variant.

I called here when he had one of the FIRST Linux distros for download, which was sometime in 1992. It rocked. Many people downloaded it to put on their l33t 386 machines. CmdrTaco was still playing Tradewars 2002 on a BBS then . Thanks to the Cellar, I learned a lot about UNIX and can actually admin a *UX box without causing havoc.

I called the Cellar on a Commodore 64. At 2400 baud mind you with an emulated 80-column screen. Later I used the outdial (if you all remember those) to dial the Cellar from college on the university UNIX boxen .

I miss having the ultimate troll, Barak, around, to annoy all white people especially any sense.

I miss the old-school users like Blu (who I remember giving a 1 Farad capacitor I ripped out of a 1970's era hard drive to), editor (the man who knows more about your PC than the engineers who designed it), keymaster (aka BrianR), bartz, kml, adamzion (an incredibly cool fellow), richlevy, and just a ton of other names.

At least we still have tw on a regular basis, who actually is quite intelligent and well-researched, unlike Limbaugh, who Howard Stern could rip apart just on facts alone.

Waitasec, didn't Eric Raymond have a cellar account too? I remember a LOT of people did who you'd not expect.

This may sound a little strange, but when you've been part of an online community for this long, it feels a bit weird to see it all change. There's still a few people from the old days, and people who predate it and who were using Apple II's with 300 baud AppleCat modems to call it.

Will people feel the same about Slashdot 10 years from now? I think not. Although they'll tell wonderful Natalie Portman jokes.

I'd have to say hell yeah. If only because Undertoad's kept it going so long, with a great mix of people. I like it here because the rabid zealotry that permeates places like Slashdot doesn't come here. And the trollage is much lower .

Now if Undertoad asked for donations, I'd gladly give. I owe the guy. Bigtime. At least dinner for him and his wife at Morton's.

It's so incredibly rare to see an online community last in so many forms for so long.

Take care,

Cellar. hell yeah.
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