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Old 12-09-2007, 08:51 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
If nothing else, there should be time limits imposed so that people who are not guilty of any crime shouldn't be left rotting and being abused.
It is called the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America; also called the Bill of Rights. That law exists which demonstrates how much wacko extremists have pervert American legal principles. Even Terry Schivo could not be left alone because wackos must pervert laws for their poltiical agenda. The Sixth Amendment:
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury ... to be confronted by with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have assistance of counsel for his defense.
Notice the word "all". Gitmo prisoners were denied all these right including right to counsel which is a question only now being asked by the Supreme Court.

To deny almost 800 prisoners 'all' rights, George Jr administration put them in Guantanamo, claimed prisoners in Gitmo are not subject to any American laws , and then invented a category called illegal enemy combatant to further deny these people their Constitutional rights. Yes, everyone in America has Constitutional rights. Some have more rights when also citizens. But all have Constitutional rights.

Worse, many Americans so hated America as to agree with George Jr's extremism.

Meanwhile, George Jr has been signing 'Findings' whereby he secretly declares he is exempt from some laws that were passed by Congress and signed by him. IOW George Jr's respect for American principles of law are that perverted. Often these 'Findings' are signed as soon as he signs the bill into law. But even worse, others approve of this subversion of the American Constitution. There is no Constitutional definition for 'Findings'. It is how a president can violate the law and do it secretly.

They are wacko extremists whose political agenda even justified torture and international kidnapping of any non-American. Justifies presidental violation of American law. Also amazing are the number of non-American Cellar dwellers who remained quiet when they can be kidnapped by America at any time - and this is called legal.

Guantanamo is clearly a violation of the US Constitution AND of American principles. Others deny due to their politics. We must subvert the Constitution because 800 people might be enemies. We must torture them long before considering any Constitutional principles. After all, they must be enemies because they are in Guantanamo and therefore must be evil.

In military tribunals, prisoners are denied counsel. The person who represents them is also obligated to report to military authorities everything their 'client' tells them. These representatives can also deny the prisoner any information that might prove his innocence. Even Judges cannot be trusted to know secrets (such as the identity of a CIA agent named Plame) in this tribunal framework. Only the accussers can be trusted can know such secrets. American wackos call this fair because everyone in Guantanamo must be evil. American law has been that viciously perverted because something approaching one in three Americans is that wacko extremist.

Aliantha's question was answered over 200 years ago - the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution. American laws define such 'time limits'. Constitutional rights are now routinely perverted for a wacko extremist political agenda - including wiretapping. As demonstrated in the Cellar, many Americans approved of these perversions. The propaganda and hate preached by Rush Limbaugh, Pat Robertson, etc is that alive and well in America. Even the Sixth Amendment is perverted in the name of a new wacko extremist political agenda.

Last edited by tw; 12-09-2007 at 08:58 PM.
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