Thread: Meeting Online
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Old 12-09-2007, 03:29 PM   #13
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
I have this problem with people I know (almost exclusively) via the Cellar and passing on their evidence in real life. Any anti-American bias here is grossly exaggerated by the press, but power always attracts humour in the UK - it's how we managed not to have a revolution. "Attack the status quo? Well okay, but as long as we only use barbed words and not a guillotine..."

So when I say, "YES Americans can spell through. No they don't really think it's spelled thru, it's an abbreviation!" I have to try and back this up with something other than, "Well the people I know online..." because friends and family just roll their eyes. Even worse talking to a stranger. And tourist-strangers do talk to you in London if you don't look too manic. It's cool to admit you know someone in Ohio, Iowa, Victoria etc. But then when they say, "Oh my Aunt lives there, is it anywhere near xxxx" you have to mumble "ah no I "know" them online...." and feel like a geek with no friends.

I form real attachments here. I know you don't Ali, but your life is fuller than mine anyway. I haven't been hurt or let down by anyone here, but if I did it would hurt as much, if not more than the people I see face to face in real life (excepting family). Because I have shared more. The exception being HM because I do see him every day and we share our lives more.

I need to get out more, I know.
Life's hard you know, so strike a pose on a Cadillac
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