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Old 12-08-2007, 05:31 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by Aliantha View Post
My vote was to send them home and let their country of origin deal with them.
The first 400 that were already released to their countries were set free. Why? They were guilty of nothing. Most all Gitmo prisioners were simply turned in by bounty hunters on rumors. The US imprisioned them mostly because bounty hunters said they were guilty - nothing more.

There is no reason for Gitmo. Anyone who is guilty will be found so in a court of law. Move them all to the US to stand trial. Trial as any decent Amerian patriot would demand and that Nazi like extremists in America fear. Oh. But with almost all prisoners not guilty of anything - we must proclaim the evidence against them as top secret? That is what the wackos are doing to maintain their lies.

Don't fool yourself for one minute. Gitmo exists because the president lies repeatedly. The president even fears the American principles of law. As Cheney said, the Presidency does not have enough power. Stalin had the same ideas.

There are maybe 14 and probably no more than 40 prisoners in Gitmo that are guilty.

Close Gitmo because it is no different than a Nazi concentration camp. Notice how easy it has been for Americans to deny we run concentration camps as the Germans also did in WWII.

Put the guilty on trial as was once called the American way. Time is now to stop making more enemies AND to prosecute wacko extremists in the CIA who did not stand up to and say no to White House wacko extremists. We have many in government who should be on trial including Major General Miller.

Numerous American criminals being protected by George Jr. Time is now to restore the American principles of law. Closing Gitmo should be obvious to everyone as nothing more than a Nazi concentration camp. it existed so that George Jr could decided without judicial review who was evil.
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