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Old 11-28-2007, 02:21 PM   #80
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Arlington, VA
Posts: 27,717
I just finished spending an hour drafting an e-mail to a pain-in-the-ass co-worker to explain why I gave some space to someone with a higher priority project instead of to her project. It took an hour, because she constantly forwards my e-mails to the partners she works with (who like her and who are technically some of my bosses,) so I have to write the e-mail as if it is going to my bosses when I really should be simply saying "because your project is less important. Sorry."

My job is to allocate space and other resources, and she always tries (and fails) to go over my head if she doesn't get her way. But it's always a nuisance to go through the process of proving her wrong again.

Ok. I'm better now.
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