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Old 04-25-2003, 02:01 PM   #90
Pithy Euphemist
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 19
You make a good point Griff.

When I refer to democrats, I feel like I am talking about to halves of a party - in a "Dark Crystal" sort of way.

The Republican lite Democrats - like Gephardt - seem to have the loudest voices and the weekest backbone.

The other democratic party - is made up of the liberal core of people. Most of them were opposed to the war in Iraq and most of them wanted to maintain a diplomatic relationship with North Korea.

Thats why we have to stop voting for ficca plants, they make arguments based in conveniece not in principle.
I agree. But if it is choice between Bush and the plant, I gotta pick the plant. I would rather have arguments based in conveniece than arguments based on sky buddy fantasies and arrogant militarism.

was kept at bay for many years by the simple knowlege that we would respond from the air if they launched.
I have a different take on that - I think that they kept us at bay for many years. At the beginning of the cold war, many, many generals wanted to go nuking their way to peace. It was the threat of MAD that brought a little reality into the room.

But that is a debate for another thread.

Bush has opened the pre-emptive can o' worms making the situation more dangerous but not IMHO untenable
Preemption is not exactly a new initiative, but they way in which Bush has boondoggled the ramp up for this war is certainly a shock. Basing the whole thing on fabrications is what really disturbs me.
The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.

Bertrand Russell

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George Orwell
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