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Old 11-26-2007, 10:23 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Griff View Post
I miss Big McLargehuge, that puppet has soul. I'm typing this on a yummy new Toshiba laptop which Pete refuses to Linux because she is Vista at work. damn techies... ok damn hot techies but srysly.
whatever you do DON"T have problems with that damn computer. i got myself into a time crunch and had to buy and off the shelf laptop for a specific short term need. i bought a Toshiba because i'd had good luck with their non-PC stuff. unfortunately, i got a lemon - no big deal, it happens. Toshiba's tech support said i had to send it back to them and they would ship me a new one. again, no big deal. but i stressed, emphasized, pointed out, and stated in triplicate that i absolutely HAD to have the new one in my paws by a certain date which was a week and a half out. no big deal they said, as everything is overnight anyway. SOB's "forgot" to ship it 6 business days in a row. i ended up having to go to the store and buy another one off the shelf for my trip. so now i have the second laptop (from another company) that i use regularly. i haven't even opened the box the replacement came in. My replacement took about a month all said and done. Not very helpful people there.

/hijack complete/
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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