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Old 11-25-2007, 05:36 PM   #12
Hypercharismatic Telepathical Knight
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Posts: 365
According to the Arab News newspaper, the woman was gang-raped 14 times.

Her offence was in meeting a former boyfriend, whom she had asked to return pictures he had of her because she was about to marry another man.

The couple was sitting in a car when a group of seven Sunni men kidnapped them and raped them both, lawyers in the case told Arab News.

The former boyfriend was also sentenced to 90 lashes for being with her in private.
That's according to the telegraph, and BBC reports the same. She was not forced into the car, that's why I pose the question. She was commiting a crime (unjust crime, but that's not important to my question) in no connection to the rapes when she was assaulted.
Hoocha, hoocha, hoocha... lobster.
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