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Old 11-24-2007, 02:05 AM   #1
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My County.... idiots

Polk County on alert
I had posted before about a Polk County school board member, Kay Fields, who expressed an interest in intelligent design. Well, the situation just got a whole lot worse. The local newspaper there, the Lakeland Ledger, asked the other board members for their opinions and revealed that a majority seem to agree with Fields.
My letter to the school board.
There is nothing more ignorant than those who do not know the difference between fact and fiction, between the vernacular of “theory” and a scientific Theory, and wanting to teach the equivalent of an “invisible friend did it” in a science class.
Mythology belongs in a class for that purpose and science belongs in a science class.
The day creationists/ID present a falsifiable, reproducible, peer-reviewed theory it will be taught in schools without having to go to politicians. Something NO OTHER subject taught has had to do… they just have to show that they are viable theories, scientifically, to be taught. That is all.
No votes needed.
Creationists don’t want this, they want to make a statement with no backing and bully it into the classroom with no scientific backing at all.
Kitzmiller vs Dover proved that ID is creationism and ONLY creationism with just another name.
It has no place in a science class until there is falsifiable evidence.
Those who state that evolution does not exist should not get vaccinations… those are evolved organisms and don’t exist, obviously.
Who knows what happens when injected with a fictional organism!
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